Where will my massage or bodywork session take place? - My office is out of Kanodia MD in Westerville, OH. I have multiple tables set up in my room with HEPA filters running.
Must I be completely undressed? - You will remain fully clothed and are encouraged to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
Will I be covered during the session? - If you become cool, I will provide a sheet or blanket for you.
What parts of my body will be addressed? - This is personal to you and your symptoms
What does Bowenwork feel like? - It is gentle movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and can create feelings of warmth, cooling, energy movement, or pressure like my hands remain even after I've left the area.
Are there different kinds of massage and bodywork? - There certainly are, and each body is different in its response to varying modalities. I have found great results for myself and my clients with Bowenwork.
What should I do during the massage or bodywork session? - Relax! You are welcome to nap, or pay attention to what changes you feel in your body during the session.
How will I feel after the Bowenwork session? - There is no "right" response, but you may feel calmer, lighter, more centered, looser.
What are the benefits of Bowenwork? - The benefits are numerous. Increased blood and lymphatic flow, decreased inflammation and inflammatory responses, increased mobility, improved digestion / elimination, improved sleep and energy levels, and more!
Are there any medical conditions that would make Bowenwork inadvisable?- Due to the gentle nature of this modality, there are very few reasons to avoid Bowenwork. In life threatening situations, it is advised you call 911, and for severe injury contact your doctor or local Urgent Care or ER.